Accused witches by name Cases of witchcraft by date and characterisation Witchcraft trials by date, place People involved
Search for accused witches by name Last name List of standardised last names First name List of standardised forenames Sex select an option Female Male Marital status select an option Married Widowed Unknown Single Irregular union / socio-economic status select an option Middling Landless Lower Upper Nobility/Chiefs Lairds/Baron Very Poor socio-economic categories defined Place of residence Case year year ending Search for cases of witchcraft by date and characterisation Case year (from) year (to) Characterisation select an option ... Consulting Demonic Demonic possession Faeries Folk healing Implicated by another witch Maleficium Midwifery Neighbourhood dispute Other/unknown Political motive Property motive Refused charity to economic dependant Treason Unorthodox religious practice White magic Ritual objects select an option ... Yarn Egg Meal Water Elfshot Knife Wayburn leaf Axe Tree Thread Bead Cloth Urine Fire Salt Foxtree Leaves Shirt Salve Drink Herb Milk Money Nail trimmings Hair Paper Plant Bannock Tobacco Crook Bird (dead) Blood (animal) Stones Cat Dog Plough Pottage Feathers Cockerel Wax/clay images Shoes Pillows Belt Branch Pot Beetle Earth Ribbon Turf Book Straw Rowan tree Hand (dead) Butter Bread Cheese Sword Clothing Sand Coin Bone Wax Ring Tether Pin Coal Spindle Rok(distaff) Shears Animal dung Sieve Curch Wheat Clay Wood Onion Grass Bridle/collar Flesh Hen Baton Corn Iron (hot) Metal Corpse Mole's feet Corpse powder Glass Jewel Wort Watercress Toad Urine (stale) Snake skin Bowl Grave earth Potions Salt water Spit Silver Lead Ale Powder Horseshoe Lee Penny Oil Leather Strap Garlic Frog Aqua Vitae Amulet Nail Flask of Water Sea Nut Hook Ash Snail Iron Smoke Nettle Vinegar Wine Almond Grain Liver Caird Garland Hairbelt Camomile Calendar customs select an option ... Beltane Halloween Fastings eve Ruidday Easter Whitsunday Quarter day Nuris Day Michaelmas Harvest All Saints Day Sabbath Handsel Monday Martinmas Candlemas Barthills Day Lammas Yule Midsummer Saint Magnus Day Our Lady Day (Harvest) Saint Thomas Eve Holy Cross day Lent St Peter's Day Borrowing days St. Andrew's Day Non-natural beings select an option ... Changeling Sunrise Elfshot Group of fairies Green Iron Thorn Tree Midnight Meeting at 12:00 Fairy hill Male fairy (elf) King of Fairy 12:00 Queen of Fairy Rowan Well Good Neighbours Fairy Blast Spinning Horseshoe Bored-Stone Bells Demonic pacts select an option ... Paction Anti-baptism Bond/Band Devil's Mark New name Servant Head and foot Body and soul Sex tacit pact Want nothing Possession Kisses Devil's bottom Search for witchcraft trials by date, place Trial year (from) year (to) Location Verdict select an option ... Guilty Not Guilty Not Proven Half Guilty Sentence select an option ... Execution Excommunicated Released Banishment Hang Branded Declared Fugitive Prison Public Humiliation Put to the horn Execution method select an option ... Burn Strangle & Burn Beheading Hang Search for people involved Lastname Firstname Placename
Search for cases of witchcraft by date and characterisation Case year (from) year (to) Characterisation select an option ... Consulting Demonic Demonic possession Faeries Folk healing Implicated by another witch Maleficium Midwifery Neighbourhood dispute Other/unknown Political motive Property motive Refused charity to economic dependant Treason Unorthodox religious practice White magic Ritual objects select an option ... Yarn Egg Meal Water Elfshot Knife Wayburn leaf Axe Tree Thread Bead Cloth Urine Fire Salt Foxtree Leaves Shirt Salve Drink Herb Milk Money Nail trimmings Hair Paper Plant Bannock Tobacco Crook Bird (dead) Blood (animal) Stones Cat Dog Plough Pottage Feathers Cockerel Wax/clay images Shoes Pillows Belt Branch Pot Beetle Earth Ribbon Turf Book Straw Rowan tree Hand (dead) Butter Bread Cheese Sword Clothing Sand Coin Bone Wax Ring Tether Pin Coal Spindle Rok(distaff) Shears Animal dung Sieve Curch Wheat Clay Wood Onion Grass Bridle/collar Flesh Hen Baton Corn Iron (hot) Metal Corpse Mole's feet Corpse powder Glass Jewel Wort Watercress Toad Urine (stale) Snake skin Bowl Grave earth Potions Salt water Spit Silver Lead Ale Powder Horseshoe Lee Penny Oil Leather Strap Garlic Frog Aqua Vitae Amulet Nail Flask of Water Sea Nut Hook Ash Snail Iron Smoke Nettle Vinegar Wine Almond Grain Liver Caird Garland Hairbelt Camomile Calendar customs select an option ... Beltane Halloween Fastings eve Ruidday Easter Whitsunday Quarter day Nuris Day Michaelmas Harvest All Saints Day Sabbath Handsel Monday Martinmas Candlemas Barthills Day Lammas Yule Midsummer Saint Magnus Day Our Lady Day (Harvest) Saint Thomas Eve Holy Cross day Lent St Peter's Day Borrowing days St. Andrew's Day Non-natural beings select an option ... Changeling Sunrise Elfshot Group of fairies Green Iron Thorn Tree Midnight Meeting at 12:00 Fairy hill Male fairy (elf) King of Fairy 12:00 Queen of Fairy Rowan Well Good Neighbours Fairy Blast Spinning Horseshoe Bored-Stone Bells Demonic pacts select an option ... Paction Anti-baptism Bond/Band Devil's Mark New name Servant Head and foot Body and soul Sex tacit pact Want nothing Possession Kisses Devil's bottom
Search for witchcraft trials by date, place Trial year (from) year (to) Location Verdict select an option ... Guilty Not Guilty Not Proven Half Guilty Sentence select an option ... Execution Excommunicated Released Banishment Hang Branded Declared Fugitive Prison Public Humiliation Put to the horn Execution method select an option ... Burn Strangle & Burn Beheading Hang